The Coalition provides education and advocacy for research-based policies that identify, prevent, and treat child abuse. We partner with legislators, agencies, advocacy groups, families, and professionals who provide direct services. We propose legislation and take positions on related bills. Our state and national network is dedicated to creating laws that protect children and offer justice and assistance for victims.
Update on Priority Bill: Governor Newsom signed AB 3072 (Petrie-Norris)! This child abuse and homicide prevention bill became law on January 1st, 2025. Please join our yearly fundraiser to support child protection advocacy! We appreciate Assemblymember Petrie-Norris authoring this bill and being a tireless advocate for child safety. Please donate!
Our work is made possible by donations from the public. Help fund education and legislative advocacy to protect children.
Governor Newsom also signed these new child protection laws: SB 899 (Skinner-Blakespear) AB 2759 (Petrie-Norris) AB 2096 (Petrie-Norris) AB 1974 (Petrie-Norris)
Improving Child Safety One Law at a Time
Our past advocacy has resulted in new protective laws to: -Mandate clergy to report child abuse -Extend the statute of limitations for cases of child sexual abuse -Require courts to consider a parent’s history of abuse before placing a child in unsupervised visitation with that parent -Mandate training in child sexual abuse for all child custody evaluators -Create legal liability for third parties who negligently or intentionally allowed children to be sexually abused -Provide $4 to $8 million annually in Victims of Crime funding to unserved child and adult victims of abuse -Restore $26 million to the Victim Restitution Fund to assist victims of crime -and more
“California Impacts.” Safe & Sound, Accessed 26 Aug. 2024. Child Abuse and Neglect in California, 8 Sept. 2021, “KidSafe.” Center for Child Counseling, 24 Mar. 2024,